Stories about life

First-time readers will find wonderful books on our shelves, such as the exciting stories about the lovable “Detective Gordon” and the school friend stories about Dunne by Rose Lagercrantz: with large letters, simple, clear texts and imaginative illustrations, they just make you want to start reading right away!

For older children and adolescents, we have a wide range of novels of all genres: crime, adventure, fantasy and much more.

Wooden shelf with dozens of novels and short stories - Image source: Eigenmaterial
We have a wide selection of different novels and short stories.

Take a moment to relax

This list could be continued forever. There are simply so many wonderful books that have shaped and accompanied us and which we keep on taking into our hands. In addition, almost ten thousand new books are published each year in children’s and youth literature.

But don’t worry, we’ll keep an overview for you and we’ll be happy to advise you at any time until you find the right book. Come by and immerse in the world of books – we’re looking forward to seeing you!