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The internet offers a wide variety of texts worth reading, on nearly every topic imaginable: from short informational snippets, product reviews and personal customer experiences to well-researched background stories or scientific articles. Normally, users would have to revisit websites every now and then, so they don’t miss out on what they are looking for, which would eat up a lot of time - that’s where news feeds come into the picture:

On the World Wide Web, a web feed (or news feed) is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. Content distributors syndicate a web feed, thereby allowing users to subscribe a channel to it by adding the feed resource address to a news aggregator client (also called a feed reader or a news reader).

Wikipedia on ‘Web feed’

They are typically available as JSON or RSS feeds.

A smartphone screen shows the Fundevogel website, bookshelves in the background. - Image source: Eigenmaterial
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Our reading tips are available in both formats:

  • Reading tips as JSON feed
  • Reading tips as RSS feed

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